FAQs Plugin

What does this plugin do?
This plugin adds a custom post type called FAQs. From here you can add any questions & answers you may like.

Once added, simply use the shortcode, or the Elementor widget to add in the page of your choice.

The FAQs can be added in multiple locations at the same time.
How do I install?
Simply head to your WordPress admin dashboard and select Plugins.

Click Add New, browse to where you have saved the plugin, select it, then click upload.

Once uploaded click Activate and you’re ready to go!

You will now have a new menu item named FAQs, here you can add all of your FAQs and categories.
How do I use the shortcode?
Once installed and activated, simply head to the page you would like to add the FAQs to and from the Add Block icon, select shortcode.

Simply paste the following shortcode into it, set the category you would like to fetch from and the number of FAQs to fetch.

[lovethemes-faq cat=”some-category” num=”4″]

If you would like to add into a location in your theme that isn’t managed via posts or pages, and you are comfortable editing code, you can use the WordPress do_shortcode() function.

Simply add the following where you would like to display:

<?php echo do_shortcode( ‘[lovethemes-faq cat=”some-category” num=”4″]’ ); ?>
How do I use with Elementor?
Once installed and activated, simply head to the page you would like to add the FAQs to and inside Elementor simply use the search box to search for FAQs.

Simply drag & drop into the page, set the category you would like to fetch from and the number of FAQs to fetch.
Can I have lots of FAQs?
Yep, you sure can!

This plugin does not limit the amount of questions you can create, go wild!
Can I have different FAQs in different locations?

This plugin utilises categories, so you can simply create an infinite number of categories and select which category to fetch in each location.
